Thread: Restoring Rusty
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Old 03-18-2016, 11:54 AM   #3116
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Re: Restoring Rusty

Originally Posted by enaberif View Post
you don't want your surface of the heads to smooth but you also don't want them to rough either.
Actually you want them smooth. That is a terrible surface finish for a cylinder head. Factory was the worst for surface finish. The MLS (Multi Layer Steel) gaskets that are on everything now require a very smooth finish. There are actually meters that measure the Ra finish on a surface. A standard fel-pro gasket can handle a little rougher finish but you should have it smoother then that.

One other thing you need to think of. While you can't fit a feeler gauge under any part of the head you still have the highs and lows of that finish that a feeler gauge is not getting to. The minimum warp we tolerate is .003, but we have seen where we can measure .003 it would take almost double that just to get it to clean up.

Ok back to the story, this is entertaining. Congrats on a good set.

Oh one other thing. The process you are using is called DYE-CHECKING.
Magnufluxing would actually have a magnet used to detect a crack. Dye-check is used more for aluminum, But it has fallen by the waste side as it has not been a reliable source for shops to depend on. A wet mag is used to check cranks, rods, and there parts were the powder mag would not pic up or be reliable enough to get into the areas of stress. A dry mag is what we see on blocks and cylinder heads that are iron. The most for sure way to make sure there are no cracks to a water jacket is to pressure check.
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