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Old 04-13-2016, 05:25 PM   #145
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

Well. Taking a leaf out of my fury friends book I have grown a pair of Cajones. And a new cutting disk…

No going back now…

Purposefully made the cut a lot lower down than the ‘blue line’ as todays task was to repair the bottom section of the replacement B pillar.

With thanks to Jim and a few others I had thought long and hard about how I was going to ensure that these two holes…

…Lined up after surgery. So I knocked up this fixture using existing holes in both panels.

Once I knew I could line it all back up I cut out the cotton bit of the good panel…Chop Chop

Tacked the new bit in place with the fixture

Yes I know it is not the tightest fit….

And…Taa- Daa!!

Utilised the old sill to show it is all still lined up.

And threw some rust converter on it ahead of Phase 2.

That took me the best part of 3 hours so I am not going to be making a living out of this anytime soon. But! After the rather unpleasant couple of days I have had doing this has really relaxed me. Better than spending time in the Pub and Mrs Y knows where I am because she can hear the grinding, banging and general bad language from her seat on the sofa.

So… Stay tuned for the next update which will probably be at the weekend.


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