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Old 06-09-2016, 02:15 AM   #3
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Re: Project Cannonball C10

Originally Posted by LT7A View Post
Just read thru both threads. Oh my, whata ride! The funny thing is, I got sad as Cannonball 1 was getting cannibalized (see what I did there?) and then I really got into CB2 and started worrying that it was going to get partially absorbed as CB1 was going back together. Imagine my joy when CB2's sheetmetal all arrived back on its own chassis! Wow, Ive seen tear-jerker movies that have wrung less emotion from me. This would make a great short film, since it had plenty of plot twists and suspense. Both trucks are so cool in their own way. I'm sure it's hard to overlook the 'flaws' in CB2's patina when youre up-close. But man, it presents well in pictures. Consider some more quality time with some 800 or 1000 grit, little by little, each time you wash it, to see what emerges. Obviously the hood is quite thrashed so maybe Im being silly. But you kinda hooked me with the coupla wet-sanding photos. Now on CB1, that being a purpose-built truck and what a purpose! Beautiful parts and execution. Amazing ideas. The quest for 50/50 weight distribution by lightening the front. That kinda stuff makes me want to sell my house and follow suit. This is fun man. Thanks for making my favorite hobby engage me even more than it already had. One of greatest things about Squares is that they are cool at any level of assembly or fit n finish. Your two rigs exemplify this. Thanks for building them and letting us in on the process.

Sorry for the long post. Ive written love notes with less heartfelt enthusiasm. Hahaha

Best comments ever! Thanks!

Its nice to have them back apart going in their own directions. You have no idea how many friends and family I've confused by describing the paths that these trucks have taken in the last year.
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