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Old 08-08-2016, 02:41 AM   #2211
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Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside RESTO-GO!

Well, Good news abounds this week......

Took a day off on Friday that was really enjoyable. Spent time stuck on the M25 motorway and spent some money at IKEA after having Meatballs and chips for lunch there.

Noooooo, I did not get any truck time in. BUT.... Nicola did exchange contracts on Friday, and should complete in two weeks time and then be able to move out. The rest of the divorce will follow as soon as I have loose funds to do a simple DIY divorce.
Thankfully, at this point there still is no malice or great spite. I guess drifting apart since three years ago, and her telling me she wanted to leave a year ago has helped. To date we have not shouted at each other as seems to be so normal.
Of course it sucks etc, but she has long since left this marriage and been dating other guys a while.
So I registered on Plenty of Freaks three weeks ago and became quite despondent at the ladies on there (Nicola and I met on POF, so there was hope) So last week I started chatting to a rather lovely, intelligent and funny lady, and at this point we are on the Whatsapp stage which is very slow and old fashioned, but she makes me laugh a LOT and I prefer to let it run a slow course, she is also 50 miles away from here.
I know it's early days, but happy to have a good new friend in her at this point.

So on Saturday we went to do some measurements at. Nicola's new house she bought, I am keeping it nice and will help her along, as it should make the divorce smooth...... Let's hope so.

She is turning her third bedroom into a walk in wardrobe so I am making some serious wall hanging space like in my house.

Harley has been all over me recently, obviously sensing I need help in the garage etc. So when we got back Nicola went off with the new boyfriend for the rest of the day and we decamped to the garage.

Having to think slightly abstractly I had to work from where I knew I had to get to, to prep all the parts.

Wood dug out of Mickey and my wood pile down the side of the garage, it was clean out handfuls of screws and some nails with my new to me Makita cordless drill, one of two CraigRK gave me a few weeks ago....... Even just using this tool left me with a mad silly grin on my face, realising my life is actually really good and that I have a bunch of very supportive friends out there, plus now Katy who makes me smile and look forward to her next text or reply. Funny that.
Measured the wood, cut, processed and recessed for supports, managed to cut one recess the wrong side...... Yup, measured once and cut..... No welding a piece back in there curse word!!! Anyway, fortunately it was an easy fix, cutting the one support back and then screwing in from inside the recess.

Used some 1mm plate I had under the workbench and made the wall plates and fitted them.

Ending with these, broomsticks for illustration.

Full length will be 2800mm of which half will be two tiered and half at full length for dresses.

That wrapped up my Saturday.

Spent some time chatting to guys from around the world and of course Katy making me laugh.

Woke at 04.30 on Sunday and by 05.00 was on FaceTime to Paul and Brandon in Ada, Oklahoma for 50 minutes, giving Brandon a tour of my place. Those guys are building some serious trucks at the moment...... 3 trucks bei built in one shop by the two of them.

Bootfair by 06.15 and we did 4 of them. A record.

Spent £61.00 on stuff calculated to value around £620.00 much of it new with labels.

Back home I started to paint the frames up and also a pine mirror that cost £2.00 but needed to be white.

Happy with the results.

All of this stuff just means I am getting close to getting my life back fully in two weeks time, then I should be back on track.

I managed to get some good video link chat time with Dennis in St Louis as well.

He sent a pic of the speedo of his Hemi Challenger that he had given a special waxing for its 13k miles anniversary

I am so looking forward to this break in the USA and spending time with various friends.

Still feeling massively privileged and honoured Dennis is trusting me to look after his baby.

Back to work today.
MY BUILD LINK:]Redneck Express - 1966 C10 Short Fleetside
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