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Old 10-08-2016, 10:36 PM   #157
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Re: Bartmans AD-S10 Chassis Swap

Originally Posted by Clay54 View Post
Looking through your build and videos again, I saw at the beginning where you painted your frame and other parts but there is no evidence of any painting other than the finished product. Would you/could you tell me where you were able to paint; was it outside, over tarps, did you have some type booth etc?

Good to see where you have posted on occasion so we know you are still here. Thanks for your help, Clay
Clay Sorry I didn't answer sooner. I just did a down a dirty paint job in my garage. It still turned out pretty good even though I didn't prep my shop I.E extensive cleaning and/or tenting off an area. Didn't even throw down tarps. I had it up on saw horses a little higher than waist high so if there was any over spray it didn't seem to stick. Possibly because the residual dust gave it nothing to adhere to. (((((((Hangs head sheepishly)))))

This is just going to be a daily driver so its nothing fancy. I got it down to bear metal (Except for areas around cross members and inside the back half. Just couldn't get in every nook and cranny) by spending many hours with knotted wire cups on a grinder and spraying it down with WD40 at night and hitting it again the next day. If I wasn't do cheap I would have had it media blasted.

I did wipe it all down with lacquer thinner 2 or 3 times before I painted to make sure I got all the oily residue off. I think I used a spray bottle generously and then wiped it off.

I used 2 coats of metal etching gray primer. Don't know the part number. Then 2 or 3 coats of ready to spay chassis black from either O'reilly's or Autozone, don't remember which. It seems to be extremely hard and durable. I used the infamous purple HVLP paint gun from Harbor freight.

I will try to be a little more particular when I paint the sheet metal.
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Last edited by av8tr33337; 10-08-2016 at 10:42 PM.
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