Thread: Other Location Not Listed paypal gift option on sales.
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Old 12-27-2016, 11:07 PM   #35
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Re: paypal gift option on sales.

Guess I have a follow-up question on this then. So, if your items are listed for "$XX + shipping" and someone says "I'll take it" in the thread - and you then tell the buyer "the total is $YY" (and that total actually includes shipping and paypal fees)), isn't the buyer now paying the seller's paypal fees without even knowing it? Or, do you tell them that "the total is $YY, which includes shipping and paypal fees"? (which, to me, would be finding out after committing to buy the part and pay the shipping that you are also paying fees).

Seems it would just be easier to list the item as "$XX + shipping + paypal fees" up front.

Personally, I prefer to list items as "$ZZ shipped CONUS" - that way, the buyer knows the total up front - and the seller could have rolled anything he wants into the shipping, etc - shipping doesn't even have to be accurate - the buyer just has to assess if the price is worth the cost, and then commit. No back and forth to every zip code in the country and no extra work for the seller to determine the individual shipping costs. If one lives in FL and lists something as $ZZ shipped, he'll probably make a little more profit if the buyer is in FL than if the buyer is in WA. As long as the seller determines his shipped selling price to make his desired profit and still ship to the furthest point in CONUS, he's covered, no place to go but up. And the buyer is happy to commit to the price he sees listed if it's worth it to him.

Don't get me wrong, NOTHING wrong with listing something as price + shipping, that's the norm. I'm not sure I'm convinced about adding paypal fees into a shipping quote unless it's stated in the ad, otherwise it is finding out after committing, or, worse yet, not at all. Not all buyers ask for the shipping quote when they say I'll take it - they just pay the number the seller comes back with after the commit, which should only be shipping, if the item is listed as "$XX + shipping".

My 2cents only. I have no problem with someone asking me to pay their seller fees - I just want to know I'm doing it, before I say "I'll take it".

Last edited by jocko; 12-27-2016 at 11:35 PM.
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