Thread: Other Location Not Listed paypal gift option on sales.
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Old 12-28-2016, 11:38 AM   #39
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Re: paypal gift option on sales.

Originally Posted by GR8-68 View Post
How does it look when someone gets a package and they were charged 24,00 and they see on the package you only had to pay 12.00 ?
In a "$XX Shipped" scenario, there is no "charged $24" part to your equation - it is fiction - when is the buyer ever told it will be $24 shipping? - not sure what you're talking about. The buyer simply sees the $XX shipped price stated in the ad, decides whether it's worth it, and commits. When it arrives and there is a $12 shipping stamp, he knows that the seller made $12 less than what the buyer paid for the item - but he probably doesn't care because he agreed that the shipped price stated up front was worth it to him. End of story. If the buyer wants to fret over how much the seller made, well, that's his choice. The risk is all the seller's. You're not paying more for shipping because you live further - you're paying an agreed up front price for a shipped item, period.

This reminds me of a recent purchase on Craigslist from a very elderly couple. I bought a set of tractor fenders for $300. The seller took the fenders to a distant rural post office and got an estimate of $120 to ship them. No paypal involved. I said, ok, I'll send you a cashier's check (seller's preference) for $420. They were concerned that the shipping might possibly be $417-418 and I'd be over-paying - and I appreciated that, BUT, because this transaction was taking forever, I tried to explain to the seller that I was ok with that, the fenders are worth $420 to me - so just consider it an additional $2-3 profit. It took a while, but they finally got it - and it saved them yet another trip to the rural post office. What would have been 3 trips was now 2, still a pain for them.

There's nothing wrong with a "$XX shipped" sale. The seller assumes the risk that someone FAR away buys it. He has to be ok with that. The buyer just has to be ok with the stated price total up front, and he knows what he's getting into. Can't run a business this way on ebay, no, but thank goodness we amateurs can on here. (EDIT: actually - ebay sellers do it all the time - you can be certain that a FREE shipping listing makes up the shipping cost in the price)

Still, telling someone after they've committed to a purchase that, oh by the way, you've included paypal fees in the shipping is indeed telling them after the fact and adding a cost to the purchase they didn't expect - and, not to mention, a cost that is legally the responsibility of the seller in PayPal's eyes. As multiple folks have posted, they have backed out when they're told something similar after an I'll take it post on principle. I'm guessing here, but I'd be willing to bet that folks that back out on principle MIGHT have still said "Ill take it" if the sale price stated $XX+shipping+pp fees" in the ad - that would have eliminated the principle that caused them to bail - no surprises after the sale.

Paypal fees are a seller responsibility, not the buyer's. If a seller doesn't want to pay them and states the buyer must in the thread, well, that will work I guess. Still seems easier to just raise the asking price by the amount of the fee for what you'd like to receive and just run with that, but that's just me.

Again, the administrators have already established that it's perfectly acceptable to have the seller state that the buyer pay the fees, and I have no problem with that either. What I don't like hearing is that I have to pay them afterward in a pm. I've learned a lot in this thread, glad I took the time to read it.

Last edited by jocko; 12-28-2016 at 04:14 PM.
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