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Old 02-24-2017, 01:13 AM   #79
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Re: Rusty76 and his '76

Your truck and predicament comes to mind once in awhile. I think most all of us can relate. I find that any little thing I can do makes a difference. If you were trying to build 5 rigs and none of them had any history, then you might want to pick your favorite and start there. But being that this truck has so much history (and looks cool), I say, just do what you can, a little at a time. Can you put that motor back together with new rings? So what if it smokes a little. Treating the rust now, even if you plan to replace a part is a good idea, one piece at a time. I think it would be kinda cool to try to get the whole truck cleaned up, rust and all, and then as you replace body parts, match the current condition of the old paint and leave it out in the weather. When it starts to look like the other panels, put it on the truck. I don't mean to sound silly, but I think the truck is cool no matter what. Match the new to the old, until you are done replacing parts. And then decide if you want to mess with new "nice" paint. In the meantime, enjoy it and drive it on any errand you can. These trucks are always cool.
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