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Old 07-20-2017, 12:16 AM   #1
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Couple of electrical questions I need help with

So I totally rebuilt my truck over the last month - took it down to the frame and reassembled it. Tonight I finally got to the point where it is drive, so I went on a 5 mile test drive.

Couple of questions I have.

- First is a voltage question - when I drive the gauge is only reading about 12.5-13v - i remember this being roughly 14v before i rebuilt the truck while running. I checked my grounds and also my alternator connection - all tight. I even installed a new positive cable when I did my rebuild, so that is in good shape.
One thing I should note - I think the battery is low on charge - as it sat for a month without use and also was ran down a bit before sitting. Maybe thats all it is.

I put it on a charger a bit ago- I'll charge it before bed a little and then again tomorrow.

-2nd question is a safety question - maybe i am overthinking this but I thought I should ask. I have the TBI 350 in the truck. It has the fuel lines run up the back side of the engine and they have a clip that bolts to the back of the passenger side head to hold them in place. When I re-installed these I also used the same bolt that holds the fuel line clip for attaching two ground wires from a wiring harness - there didn't seem to be anywhere else to attach the wires. Now I am worried I should have tried to ground them somewhere else. Any risk here or I am overthinking it.

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