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Old 05-05-2018, 03:02 AM   #13
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Re: Starting a 52 Chevy 3100 Project.

Originally Posted by Jesse Z View Post
To quote Lowrider magazine: "There are s10s, and then there's everything else."

A whole generation grew up with S10s as THE status vehicle de jour. It's natural that when this group matures and branches into other hot rodding disciplines they still feel comfy with the S10 format - even if it's not really the best means to the end. Hot rod builders can be sheep; in some article somewhere, somebody had an awesome AD on S10 and soon every reader in the country has to have that combo. I can go through Ebay and count the botched-up AD trucks on S10 frames; they're easy to spot, with the super-shallow beds, 3-inch thick spacers to get the track out where it should be, and wheels not centered in the wells. I'd say one in 10 gets it right, mostly because - as the OP said - they " read everything on the s10 swap," meaning they all read the same online threads and they all do it exactly the same - even if it's wrong.

well, at least you didnt need a new keyboard after typing a post like brian does, he has to wear out the "I" key twice a week.

but there are a fair amount of guys who get it right, and if anyone read the sticky on the top of this forum they have a better chance than most.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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