Thread: Wife's 48
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Old 05-18-2018, 07:56 PM   #10
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Re: Wife's 48

OK, this isn't all I got done today, but it shows that I am listening.

First I had a hole in the cowl.
IMG_1929 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

That patch to the right isn't mine, it came with the truck.

So I used my new metal snips to fit a patch, first scribing the piece to be cut and then test fitting. I filed the hole until it fit.
IMG_1928 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

Then I welded it in place and used a die grinder with a cutting wheel to take off the excess weld.
IMG_1930 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

Yes, I still need to work some more on that old patch. It is right over a support brace and in a very difficult spot. I tried to hammer and dolly it up and got some of it to come up, but not enough. Back to my patch

Then I grabbed a flap disc and here is what I have.
IMG_1932 by Robert Moorman, on Flickr

I then took a hammer and dolly and started practicing on raising it where it was low and lowering where it was high, and it is pretty close.

Oh, no pinholes. I used a light on the outside with me on the inside looking, and then vice versa. It is solid.
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