Thread: Wife's 48
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Old 06-24-2018, 08:33 AM   #93
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Re: Wife's 48

Thanks Raven. I'm not in your league yet, but I do have multiple electric and air grinders with multiple attachments. I haven't gone to a tool for each attachment yet, but I'm getting close.

I've been using a technique for removing the weld I read about on Garage Journal, MP&C recommended it. I am using a cutting disc and just clipping the top of the weld. Working it down slowly. This produces less heat than a grinding disc and only removes the metal where I place the cutting edge. Then I use a flap disc when I get the weld smoothed out the way I want it. It is time consuming, but it seems to work, except that my arms are dead after a day of doing it that way, but I'm sure that isn't the age...
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