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Old 07-16-2018, 12:00 AM   #1327
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: albuquerque New Mexico
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Re: What did you do with your truck today, Part 3

I kept my word to the truck and dedicated some time to it. i removed my compressor from the bracket. i decided to get the alternator buttoned up since it was on the bottom and then i could address the compressor while being able to drive the truck. after two trips to the parts store for different sized belts i decided i needed to get back to the drawing board. my issue was that i followed the directions on the vintage air install and it said to route the belt on the ac compressor a certain way so i did. at that time it didn't occur to me that i could do it a simpler way that wouldn't make me change the belt routing for the alternator. today i put everything on the alternator back as its been for years and this allowed me to take my truck out and have some fun. i took it a few relaxed miles to make sure everything was in order before taking it to the "track" across the street. i ran it through the gears drag style three or four time. every time those tires broke loose my smile did as well. im not usually one to go full throttle. im more of a relaxed cruising guy but boy is that fun. its a little addictive too. in addition i got my garaged cleaned again. that's always a good feeling. i believe i have my compressor licked now. at least in my brain.
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