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Old 01-26-2019, 06:25 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 19,791
Reconfiguring my little shop ... maybe.

So I have a small shop at home, 18'x28'. Not wide enough to get two cars in, and not tall enough to put a lift in. But at 28' deep with one vehicle in there I have plenty of room to move all around. Like is always said, build the biggest shop you can, and this one is exactly the biggest it could be with the city codes.

After putzing around in it for several years now I think there are a few things I would have done different, isn't that always the way?

I have a man door on the back side and a 14'x8' insulated garage door on the front side. The one thing I really dislike is that when Im in the shop with the garage door open the whole shop is open to everyone that drives or walks past. And I don't like having my projects parked out in front when Im busy with other stuff inside the shop.

I have parking and access on the back side (where I only have a man door now) and Im considering moving main access to the backside. Ill leave the garage door on the front but make it stationary so it cant be opened. Definitely will look better if I leave it that way.

So if I add a garage door to the rear I wont be able to have a full 14' door due to trees and such. Which Im fine with. Ill move the man door over a little and just have a garage door that isn't as wide.

So long explanation just to ask what would be a minimum width for a garage door. Would 10'x8' be a good all around size? I feel like I could work with that. Or maybe even a little narrower. I have no idea what size a single car garage or even a two car garage using two doors widths are.

Appreciate any input. Right now Im battling a little with my honey over doing this at all. It kind of messes with her view of what's going on behind the shop haha.
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