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Old 08-29-2019, 10:15 PM   #3
Dead Parrot
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Re: Shop material type

Termites, Fire, Storms, Earthquakes, etc. Pick your materials to defend against these and other threats. You have to decide which are the biggest threats on your land. Steel has the advantage of being both fire and bug proof.

Unless you are pouring a BIG slab, more concrete for a thicker floor doesn't cost much more then the standard 4~6 inches most contractors will quote. When I redid a 10x20 garage floor, the delivery charge was about as much as the concrete costs.

Include an area for a bathroom and sink. Beats greasy footprints in the house on the path to the bathroom. Might even include a parts washing sink.

Don't scrimp on the electrical service. Plasma cutter + compressor = a lot of power at one time.

If you have wired Internet, include a run to the building when you are trenching things in. Let you see those instructional videos/sites on the big screen while puzzling out something.

Might include an attached lean to/pole barn to allow projects in waiting to be out of rain and sun.
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