Thread: '70 LWB Build
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Old 09-26-2019, 10:46 AM   #4
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Location: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Posts: 66
Re: '70 LWB Build

Well I have a done a few small things since my last post. Mostly waiting for parts and tinkering around here and there making decisions and grand plans.

How about a little eye candy to get this post started. My 17 z71 next to my c10. You can get a peak at my streetglide in the back as well

I was preparing to get this safety inspected and found I had a few lights out. mainly the reverse lights didn't work at all. With some quick testing I found that the switch had power in and none out. So I pulled the switch off to try and test for continuity through the switch and ended up with this.

Clearly that guy was inop. After some digging on the net I managed to find one and get it ordered. Installed and worked as intended. I also had rear marker out, and assumed it was the bulb. But when I put the bulb in nothing changed. So I pulled the housing and found the ground wire for the socket had broken from its terminal. Replaced that terminal and good to go.

My parts for the lower end of the column finally arrived as well as a lock cylinder set. So I pulled the door panels and replaced all of the lock cylinders. No longer does it take me 5-10 minutes to get it started due to the worn out ignition. Then I tackled the lower column shifter. When I took it all apart the original rubber and metal bushings were just not there. It was clearly rigged up, and poorly. Installed the new parts and immediately knew something was amiss as the rods were moving freely. There was no longer anything to keep them locked in place.

More digging and I found that the little cups that hold the rods in were MIA. With the truck stuck in the driveway I had to make it drive-able so I could move it from it's current location. A few hose clamps later and we were in business

I got lucky and a dude on a facebook group I am in had the cups and got them sent to me next day via snail mail.

While I waited for the cups I decided it was time to hit the floor with a wire brush cup on my grinder and cover with rust encapsulator.

The truck has been painted a few times, and the current color is not the original color. So I have been going all over with a paint chip from the truck trying to get a match on this color so I can at least cover the primer spots on the truck. I can deal with "patina" but primer not so much. I finally found a very close match from duplicolor, but it's a ford color.

That is a penny and the paint chip I have been carrying around. I used my pocket knife to pry up on a piece that was sticking up. She has had a few sprays.

Finally these little boogers arrived

Got them installed and adjusted the linkage and now she shift like a dream, or at least compared to how it was when I picked it up.

I have a few other small things planned before winter comes, and I have been looking around on the body and finding things I am not a fan of. When the current paint got done it was clearly a rush job to get the truck sold, or someone who just wasn't good at this sort of thing.

I found this big ol piece of poo in a hole in the tailgate.

And this is the drivers side door. I had a feeling when I bought it I was going to have to replace this door. I don't have the guts to pull this off and see what is underneath just yet.

As I said it is slow going, but I have some plans for this winter. I will try to update as I go along rather than in large posts like this moving forward.

Also apologies for the few big pics in the first post. I have now figured out how to keep that from happening.

Last edited by LagunaGlide; 09-26-2019 at 12:30 PM.
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