Thread: 47-55.1 Bed boards
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Old 01-12-2020, 05:39 PM   #8
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Re: Bed boards

If you have the time I would use Tung oil. The whole process will take about a month. Tung oil is a oil that dries. It's in the wood not on top of the wood. It has been used on wooden boats for thousands of years. It doesn't build up so there is no problem with changing the fitment. It will never peal or get scratched off. I buy the pure stuff and cut the first 2 coats with solvent 50% so it penetrates well. I use it on conference tables I make that cost tens of thousand of dollars. Maybe buy a small amount off Amazon and play with it. It is very durable and if you scratch it just rub another coat on it. It's a beautiful finish with a lot of depth. It's not used much because of the long time it takes to do it. Just thought I would throw another option out there
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