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Old 02-17-2020, 09:38 PM   #25
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Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?

Originally Posted by dmjlambert View Post
I have been in similar situations, expectations not met and buyer's remorse on a variety of things in my life. It is probably possible to overcome the feelings, and I would encourage you to try really hard to do so. Overall that is a beautiful truck. Get fixed the few things that are true problems such as steering wheel/horn, loose shifter, glove box, and other annoying things like that, put some carpet back in it, and start driving it thousands of miles per year.

My truck has 50 years of rust, including a couple of small completely rusted through spots. I had a few of the really bad spots repaired for about $500 so I am no longer getting large quantities of water in the cab during rain. If I drive it another 50 years, I suspect spots I did not take care of, and which are rusted through now, will turn into problems that actually need fixing. I've had the truck for 6 years and I can't see any change at all in the "problem" rust areas. It rusts incredibly slow. I'll most likely be dead or no longer driving before I have problems with it.

When you think of the rust on your truck, think about how many years do you really plan to use it, and will that small amount of rust really be a problem or just annoy you because you know it's there? Nobody's going to open the passenger door and say "oh my God look at that rocker." They're going to be impressed by the whole truck.

I agree with fine69 on "That Blazer is about as rustfree as they get." Just because it has that amount of rust does not mean the rust needs to be repaired right now.

I'm not minimizing your feelings or trying to be a butt. I know what the feeling is like. I just hope to give you words of encouragement, and would like you to enjoy that truck for what it is, a remarkable condition 50 year old thing of beauty. Also please don't bash yourself, you're not an idiot.
We can disagree on the idiot part. You don't wire someone $25,000 to someone you have never met for something you haven't seen, only an idiot would do that!

If it was just the rockers I "might" be able to agree. It is the doors, the kick panels, at least the drivers quarter, probably both quarters, and the front fender. I bet if we start stripping this thing there will be 20 pounds of bondo in it. Look at the cracking bondo on the corner of the door in the first picture. It is 1/2" thick! A big bump and someone is going to sue me when it flies through their window! (that might have been a little dramatic)
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