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Old 04-05-2020, 08:29 AM   #893
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Re: Tricked-out Chevy six cylinder engines

Carb position has nothing to do with how it works or performs .. Holleys , that have side hung and front/rear hung floats care less what way you mount them ,whether on a tunnel ram forward or sideways or single 4 manifold .. The other thing to think about with the heated manifold is from the factory that is how they are set up , the exhaust warms the lower intake area ..Some people say you must have the manifold hot all the time or the vehicle won't run properly .. I ask you then , why would you buy an air gap manifold?? The performance aspect of an air gap manifold comes from it being up away from hot oil and the deletion of the cross over fas as warming up a vehicle using the coolant to warm the manifold is lame at best it warms up the same speed as the engine , exhaust is the proper type of heat to heat the manifold .. On a older V8 the exhaust valve in the right manifold would open as the vehicle got hot thereby not directing as much of the exhaust through the manifold.. I built a 6 and did not use any heat to the manifold and if you do a test with and without I bet you will find more power and gas milage without it ...
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