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Old 04-21-2020, 09:12 AM   #11
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Re: Yet another spray paint comparison thread!

Originally Posted by 67C10Step View Post
Are you using the rusty metal primer on bare metal or just scuffing and hitting it? Curious as I am using some of the same products but have not used the rusty metal primer yet.
Excellent question and I have more detail on my A '54 named Busty build thread, not self promoting just don't feel like double posting everything.

Anyway, here's the 3 Day Process process:
~ Day 1 ~
1. Knock off all the loose rust with a wire wheel on an angle grinder not on a drill. I find angle grinders spin at much higher RPM yielding much better results. I prefer the flat basic wire wheels, instead of the cups, but these days we run what we brong.

2. Wipe off the newly wired wheeled metal with Denatured Alcohol (from Home Depot if they still have it in California, ACE Hardware otherwise) I use Browny paper towels or the blue shop towels, use a towel and just throw it away after. We do this step so that the acid we apply in the next step is not wasted on eating loose rust dust that could just have been wiped off.

3. Then using Phosphoric acid again from Home Depot $5.00 absolutely the best bang for your buck in terms of rust removers (and I've tried them all Metal Rescue, CLR, Something something gel, this or that gimick, all expensive and all don't do much).
~ Day 2 ~
4. The current Phosphoric acid formula sold by Home Depot is not as strong/effective as it used to be (I guess something to do with this product may cause California in the state of Cancer type a thing ha ha) so I pour about a cups worth into a red cup and brush it on (I used to wear a mask, and rubber gloves, but now i just am more careful and do it outside) so I leave it on there over night, warm weather helps, next day wash it off with a green scotch pad and a mix of baking soda and water to neutralize it, then hose it off with regular water really well.

5. Then knock off all the crusty white stuff with the wire wheel a second time.

6. Wipe it off with a shop towel and Denatured Alcohol.

7. Shoot primer after shaking the can for 2 minutes (time yourself, cause there's two minutes, and then there's actual 2 mintues, lol) Think about it that can had been sitting on the shelf at Pep Boys for at least 6 months, so when you start you won't even hear the bee bee rattlin' in there, then after about 30 seconds you start to hear it, so keep going give it a proper mix.
~ Day 3 ~
8. Wait at least a day better if you can wait a couple days, then shoot paint, and clear, see your can for how long you need to wait in between coats of paint, usually 15 minutes, the 30 minutes later apply the clear. Let parts hang from the rafters in your garage while you go on and do something else, allow the paint to "cure"
seems like a lot of steps and a long process, but once you get it down it's just rinse, lather, repeat, plus how often you gonna do this on your rig, once in a life time
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Last edited by Gregski; 04-26-2020 at 04:21 PM.
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