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Old 04-23-2020, 07:37 PM   #11
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Re: Yet another spray paint comparison thread!

I don't know about you guys but I am a firm believer there is such a thing as Too Many Choices. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well the next time you run out of toothpaste or deodorant, don't send the ol' lady to fetch it, you do it, ha ha

so here we have it, yet another flavor of rusty metal primer from RUST-OLEUM

up to this point I only knew of the one on the left, it is my favorite and my best, but as I went to place an order on The Amazon for more of it I spied with my little eye this other guy on the right (it costs $4.27 so half as much as the one I was using $9.75)

what's the difference other than the price and the can logo - I have no idea, even the color appears to be the same

this is exactly precisely why I embarked on this self masochist journey - to figure this stuff out, or die trying - so I email RUST-OLEUM Tech Support
UPDATE: (4 days later)
"Thank you for contacting Rust-Oleum Product Support.

These primers perform the same way but #249330 is labeled as Automotive and the #7769830 is the consumer version.

I hope this information was helpful! If you have any additional questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us."
... did I mention one costs twice as much as the other ?!
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Last edited by Gregski; 04-27-2020 at 07:13 PM.
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