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Old 06-26-2020, 04:00 AM   #667
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Re: GRIZZ’s ‘79 - 2WD BLAZER Challenge over in London, England. “~It’s not a Project

Originally Posted by Grizz1963 View Post

Not sure how to reply to your reply really.

I just agreed with what you had said, and said that I would ultimately do whatever I did, like most people do, one follows advice and possibly even combinations of advice from various sources.
All good with me, I was curious enough to ask though, because a phrase like "100% you did not and could not move me away if I chose to stay" in my accustomed vernacular would be the words of someone responding to a challenge. So I thought I better check on it since my intent was only to help.

To that end, I will make a recommendation. Since you have two existing structures and all but one post is adjacent to a structure, you have the opportunity to do a cable span and some sort of material cover. There are a couple of wood carports in my neighborhood that approximate the size you are looking for, and they both have beams and multiple posts on two sides and clear-span between them, rather than clear-span in both directions. Tonight I saw an ingenious cable cover over a set of nice cars and got me to thinking.
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