Thread: Joke Thread
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Old 09-10-2020, 11:21 PM   #111
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Re: Joke Thread

A Nun takes the day off and goes golfing, at the end of the day she walks into Mother Superior's office and announces she has sinned because she used the Lords name in vain.

Mother Superior says have a seat and let's discuss it. The nun says we were on the 12th Fairway 460 yards par 5, I hit a beautiful drive that should have gone 300 yards but at about 100 yards out a bird flew in it's path, the ball hit and killed the bird and it knocked the ball into the rough.

Mother Superior ask is this when you sinned? Oh no she replied, then a squirrel spotted the ball, picked it up and took off running back towards where we tee'd off.

Mother Superior again ask is this when you sinned? Oh no she again replied, about that time a hawk swoops down and grabs the squirrel who still has the ball in it's paws and heads down the fairway.

Mother Superior says that's when you sinned isn't it? She again replies no. She says the squirrel then started wiggling and twisting trying to get away and it drops the ball right over the green and it lands 18" from the pin.

Mother Superior leans back in her chair folds her arms across her chest smiles and says
You missed that *** **** putt didn't you?

Last edited by Sheepdip; 09-11-2020 at 02:48 PM.
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