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Old 10-10-2020, 03:31 AM   #6
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Re: 1958 Apache Big Window Loooooong Bed "Lucky"

I've been humming and hawing on what to work on next... I'm a weird spot in the build where everything seems like it depends on something else to be done first in a strange chicken-or-the-egg circle!

I decided to make a home for my LS PCM in the Glove Box area for now. I don't if / how long it will stay here, but it will be easy to access while the build is fresh, and once the truck is running, driving, and shaken down, I can perhaps find a more elegant solution.

That being said, the tray is very sturdy for being a single piece of sheet metal, owing to the curved sides giving it strength as well as matching the curves of the opening.
I cut out a section of the rear to make room for wiring to easily reach the PCM.

I welded some nuts to the bottom since you really cant reach in there to hold one. This makes it much easier to install. Lately I've been doing this to many custom fabbed items.

I can grab ahold of the PCM and shake the entire truck, its that solid in there.
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