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Old 10-10-2020, 10:43 AM   #87
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Re: 1958 Apache Big Window Loooooong Bed "Lucky"

Looks solid.
If its fabled up, mounted and done why change it?
When I get to a place in a build like you have I just make a list of things to do. Pick something and work on that to finish. I try not to do something that I will need to come back to at some point to rehab, change or finesse. Lately I have decided to start at the rear bumper and work forward, finishing everything as I go, like ready for paint kinda finishing. I will leave it in epoxy primer when done and drive it that way to make sure all the bugs are ironed out before a final paint job.all bodywork will be done so when paint time comes it will be less of an ordeal. I find lately that's what works for me to keep a forward motion going. There is too much going on these days to say I will do an hour a day so I try to keep the jobs manageable and not have a huge array of parts laying around disassembled. I pick a job and follow through till finished then start another job and do the same.
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