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Old 01-21-2021, 09:27 PM   #3
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Re: Prep and Paint Cab Only

A lot of shops are hesitant to let someone else prep a cab [or any part] and bring it in "just to shoot it" and not have control over what is done to it prior to the finishing.[witch is the easiest part] then you have a part [or whole vehicle] and there is a paint failure on it. Where did you get that done ABC body down at anytown USA did it. Not taking into account that the customer did the prep and then the problem comes from say a chemical crosslinx problem or something that the first timer isn't really aware of. Then through nobody's fault the ABC autobody has bad words about them on an otherwise good rep. I have had people bring me a car or better yet come without it or call my phone "How much To paint my car if I bring it ready to spray?" I have had this many times and 99 out of 100 need more work to be paint ready. 60 out of the same 100 need a good bit of work, and 30 or so will need LOTS of work and then maybe 10 or so won't even have any sanding done and maybe even still have mud on the fenders.
I had even rather offer my shop and space to somebody to help them paint their own when I have space and time that is a lot of fun to me
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