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Old 03-07-2021, 04:58 PM   #223
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 946
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

How the goodness gracious did it get to be March already....

Anyway, since my last missive I spent a lot of time exploring what I didn't like about this hobby, delving in to the deep recesses of my smooth brain and chanted, ad nausium, THIS IS NOT A SHOW TRUCK.

So where are we then...

Spent way too long making my compressor up to the job of running the sand blaster and then even longer trying to find somebody that would sell me the beast media at a price that made it worth while doing.

The first nice weekend after the snow resulted in my dragging the chassis outside and starting the blasting process.

What I learnt from this process is that it will be the last time I blast a chassis - what an absolute pig of a job. Its not so much the pointing the hose at the chassis and pulling the trigger but all the faffing around with the media, unblocking the gun, sifting the used media, unblocking the hose, collecting the media, etc etc....

Anyway, the end result was a nicely textured surface free of dirt and grime and ready for me to paint.

I was going to use 2 pack as I did on my 56 but ended up going with this stuff after glowing reports from a friend of mine who builds off roaders. Seeing it on Hoonigan when they made the Merch truck also made me think it might be worth a try.

So today was the day that I decided to stop procrastinating , weather was nice so swept the floor in the garage put the chassis up on tall stands and set the heater on high.

After shaking the can for a good 10 minutes and still not hearing the balls rattling to my satisfaction had a brain wave and hooked the can up to my imitation sawzall and presto chango balls were rattling in no time at all.

And the end result...

From this...

To this...

Well I am really pleased with it. Paint covers very well, took 2 cans to get it to this stage, and will use another one when I flip it over to paint the top and go over the rest of the chassis again.

Next step is to fit the fuel and brake lines, then put the suspension back together, fit the fuel tank and finally place the engine between the rails.

This should go quite quickly as I have all of the components but then again life might still get in the way again to slow the whole process down!

Until the next time... Onwards!!!!

Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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