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Old 04-04-2021, 04:10 PM   #9
Paul Y
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Essex
Posts: 936
Re: The English are coming! Or..another C10 in the Motherland.

So... Remember this biscuit tin full of rather expensive hose fittings?

Yeah well they are not compatible with teflon hose which is what is needed with todays ethanol fuels.

So that is about £150 I will have to find then and there was me being all Mr Smarty Pants having got friends to bring back bits and pieces over the past 18 months on their travels back from teh USA... BumHats.

Anyway, let's continue shall we....

Need to run the fuel and return lines down the chassis through one of the crossmembers and to the front of Woody's chassis. A small problem to overcome was this.

No way of fitting a power tool in there to make the required space so 30 minute with a number of files provided the needed space. Problem was that I was really not happy with where the previously made bracket for the bulkhead fittings sat. It had to be far enough through the crossmember to allow the lines to be disconnected if I ever need to to do so but not protrude through so far that the flex lines from the tank could not be attached and removed if I needed to drop the tank.

Spent an hour moving it, looking at it, measuring it before I finally just said to myself that I was being an idiot, and tacked it in place. Its not ideal but nobody will ever see it and it means I can move on.


Now. can get to use my pipe straightener in anger!

Pleased to report it worked very well for being made up from some old scrap I had.

Used my rivenut tool again to make use of some nicely positioned holes already in the chassis to attach the P clams and hold the fuel feed in place.

Rinse and repeat with the return line.

And the fuel lines are run.

Really quite pleased with that.

Now. How to get them from inside the frame rails to above the rail without getting it close to the exhaust and future China WhirlyBoiz.

Yup that will work.

Or actually no it won't...

Can you see the problem?

As I said previously...mistakes were made. I hadn't seated the return line hose end fully home when I drilled the hole for the bulkhead fitting - end result is that when I tightened it up it came off. Plums, as the Fox Picture now dictates I say.

This now gave me two problems.

1. The hole was in the wrong place.

2. I didn't have any more olives.

Luckily I had just enough -6 pipe left to remake the return so problem 1 went away. Problem 2 can be fixed but not until Tuesday so was feeling a little miffed as I had planned to get Woody back on his feet by the end of the long weekend.

Well I would have if the paint I had ordered had actually turned up on Thursday...

I had one can of paint left in the cupboard so painted the inside of the chassis rails and prepped the brace brackets for paint so at least I could get that done.

Whilst I waited for that to dry, read the instructions that came with the brace and discovered that I need to take out 4 more rivets on the forward body mounts in order to get the front brace plates fitted.

A quick go over with a flap disk and a few minutes with the drill and they were out.

Brace plates in place.

And time to honk the jungle gym into place.

Only problem was it wasn't going to fit.

So, loosened off the front crossmember pulled out the ratchet straps and my big mallet and.....

Its in - even if it is temporary because I needed a little Mojo Boost after the previous mistakes.

The quality of this kit is really quite good, well actually very good...

And on that BombShell I retired for the evening as I have gone as far as I can until the paint arrives and the shops open to get the olives to rectify my previous mistake.

So until next time...


Woody's Build -

If it goes wrong, I blame the Internet...
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