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Old 07-24-2021, 07:05 PM   #11
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Re: Slot mags vs pyo's

For what it's worth, here's my thought process.

One, if I was towing that much weight regularly I would rather do it with a 3/4 ton. But that's not what you have, so you need to make that call.

Two, my guess is that you're going to find that the 295s are hobby tires and that you may need to step back to 285s or 275s to find a load rated tire. And then you would have to decide if you're okay with that look. If you can't find the tires in the size you like that are rated for the weight, then that for me would be a no-go. I think the slots would look sweet though.

Three, I think maybe you are talking about the py06 wheels. I like them too, but not really the offset on a square body. They are designed for axle widths on more modern trucks. The lightness of the wheels will be more than offset by the 14 bolt rear end and three quarter ton suspension.
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