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Old 08-04-2021, 05:58 PM   #143
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Location: Portland, OR
Posts: 335
Re: Skidmore '67 C20

Ok, so I also had the saga of the TH400 last week. It had been leaking like a stuck pig ever since I got the truck. I didn't even know how much it was leaking until I pulled it into the garage and it was filling the drip tray in a few days.

I spent a few days trying to round up all of the seals at the local autoparts place, using online as a guide. This was a complete waste of time. '67 was a mid cycle year and there are multiple different options for every seal. Even the trans filter is different. I ended up at the local transmission repair place. They had everything I needed and even something I didn't, which was a Transgo performance 1,2 shift kit. I figured why not, since I was in there!

In total, I did the trans shift kit, tail shaft seal, shift selector, speedo housing and shaft, pan seal, and of course the filter. I also cleaned everything up and painted the pan and converter cover. It was a lot of work upside down, but the results speak for themselves. It is bone dry under the truck after sitting full for a week!

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