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Old 08-07-2021, 05:18 PM   #1
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
Posts: 11,414
I may be missing something here?

I will admit that it might just be me, but I don't get what a business (much less a daycare for children) would actually advertise, out front on the fence, the fact that they have a "1 Star" rating?

Is this a stupid system where you could potentially have no stars at all? So having 1 does mean something?
I see it as a 1-5 system where 1 is the worst and 5 is the top. Restaurants/hotels, etc use this system as a way to showcase their quality/value.
To me, a 3 would be your everyday normal, stay away from 1 because they are bad. A 2 would be "acceptable" if you are in a hurry or it is really cheap or handy. That makes 4 "the good stuff" for the vast majority of people, because 5 is not that much better, just more expensive and pretentious.

So, is it just me seeing this wrong? or is a 1 really better than just no rating at all? Who does this rating and why would we believe them or care what they say?

I know some of you out there know this stuff.....
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Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
As for reading directions...
The directions are nothing but another man's opinion.
Learn from the mistakes of others, you won't live long enough to make them all yourself...

Bad planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an instant emergency on my part....

The great thing about being a pessimist is that you are either pleasantly surprised or right.
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