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Old 09-22-2021, 07:29 PM   #559
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Re: 67-72 Electric speedo

I started my dash and was having trouble lining the speedo numbers up to the marked locations. I could get 120 and 60 to line up decent but the MPH was off a hair and the 0 was way off. I was using a repop dash lens so I found a used lens to help locate the sticker. It was actually pretty easy after that because I could see the numbers without holding it to the light. I laid the number sticker on the new lens and set the old lens on the top. I aligned both lenses edge to edge and then aligned the numbers on the sticker to the old lens. The trickiest part was lifting the old lens to tape the sticker without moving it but I simply laid it back on top to make sure it didn't move. The 0 on the repop lens was off by at least 3/8 of an inch. Hope this helps someone else.
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