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Old 10-03-2021, 05:28 PM   #31
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Dallas NC
Posts: 586
Re: 1972 C30 Dump truck

SHE IS A RUNNER. It took a little over a week with MM oil in all the cylinders but it finally broke lose today. New plugs, points, condenser, coil and she fired right up with gas in the carb. I could fill up the carb bowl and it would run for about a minute before it ran out of gas. It looked like I was spraying for mosquitos for about 5 minuets but then it cleared up and no smoke at all now. I have couple of bad wires and the cap and rotor need to be replaced but wanted it running first. No gas up to the carb for some reason, gauge shows about a 1/4 tank but could be wrong will get filter, fuel pump, cap, rotor, and wires and get them installed and go from there. While I had it running was able to pull forward about 6 feet and then back up with no issues. Always scary buying something only on what the owners says. This time is seems to have worked out in my favor.
Now the real work begins deciding what to do with all the rust. Found another cab or try and fix what I have. The cab is fixable but the main issue for my skills is the cowl and the rust around the windshield. It may be time to up my skills and try and tackle it will have to see.
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