Thread: 47-55.1 Pressure bleeding
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Old 10-18-2021, 03:11 AM   #22
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Re: Pressure bleeding

Curious what you have for s10 brakes. Earlier versions were single piston calipers and after 97 they were dual piston calipers. There could be displacement differences between the different types. The reason I wonder is so we could look up the appropriate year of s10 for the caliper style you have and see what size of master they ran. Compare to what you have. Also curious if that year of s10 also ran rear drums. If so what size of wheel cylinders did they run, and drum/shoe size, compared to your set up. The trucks are probably not far off in size/weight and brake bias. Really, if your rear drum brakes are the same as the s10, you could likely get away with running a stock disc/drum s10 setup complete with the prop/metering valve and some residual valves due to the under floor mounting. Just spitballing again and not suggesting you swap parts or start over. Just thinking of comparing specs to what the s10 had due to the same relative size and weight of the 2 trucks. See if your master is close to the s10 for specs.
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