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Old 10-25-2021, 12:43 AM   #73
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Re: 700R4 TCC Wiring

Originally Posted by Accelo View Post
It likely works better than the GM design. Of course, they electronics "back then" would have been expensive. I was around when the chief complaints, one GM transmissions, was the lock up timing. The pathetic power levels and early lock up, to keep mileage up, were additional issues that GM had to deal with. You may have a commercial product when you are finished. However, I do know of many a transmission transplant that just ignores the lock-up converter and they just run them "old school." I suspect the marketing would be the difficult part.
Kudos to you for staying on this project.
I have never driven a vehicle that came stock with a 700R4. I wish I had that experience. It would be interesting to analyze the behavior, especially on later fuel-injected systems.

The speed based B&M TCC controller is, in my opinion, the best one on the market right now, and it costs $250. It doesn't have a vacuum sensor though, which is unfortunate. Based on the low quantity cost of the parts I'm buying for this Arduino-based design, I'm probably going to be really close to that $250 mark. At this point I'm feeling more inclined to share my final design with anyone who wants to build one for themselves, assuming all goes well. I chose through-hole-style electronic components that are easy to solder by hand with that in mind, despite the fact that it made the PCB layout more difficult to design.

I designed a box for the PCB over the weekend. It's pretty small at 2.5" x 2". I'm planning on mounting it to the bottom edge of the dash. A friend of mine is going to 3D print it for me. I ordered the PCB today, along with the components.
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