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Old 12-24-2021, 10:12 PM   #3280
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Re: My Facetruck thread.

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I will for sure. They are a nice family, and we haven't crossed paths in a while anyway. There is a creek and a briar patch between us and, although they are straight across (and back a ways), their lane is up the road a piece. We also have a neighbor up the rise behind them I need to catch up with. Tis the season, and we have the whole weekend of it. She definitely "has it".

Because my ex-wife had thin skin/bad nerves, my son was unable to continue learning to play after a short while. Such a shame to squash one's ambition. This is a picture of him at the mini-set my brother put together for him when they were given to him. How coud someone crush that kind of joy? meh, better not get going on that mistake
I hear you on exactly that issue and situation. I just found out this year that my brother wanted to learn the drums and was not allowed to by my parents. I guess they thought one drummer was enough. I never knew. Makes me very sad. I can't imagine if they hadn't let me play. And my brother and I could have used something else in common. If I had known, I would have taught him anyway. Most times I played were after school and my folks weren't even home. I sort of have some sympathy for them, but still... Like you said, no need to go there and stay there. It's been quite a while since we grew up, but I am thinking about scouting for a used set next time I visit my brother. Not sure I want to buy one here and cart it for an interstate trip, haha.

Funny that you mentioned that she has "it". Hopefully not sounding elitist or arrogant, there is something that is either innate or acquired that puts you in the groove. And I always feel bad for people that have the interest, but the timing just doesn't click. I guess the relevance of this is that it's important to encourage someone honestly and be able to pay genuine compliments. So that bolsters your ability to pay a visit and pay a compliment. That's where we can channel our frustration for the lost opportunities of years past - I'm sorry to hear that your son missed out too. But we can look ahead: If I get my brother set up, then my nephews will also get the chance to figure out if they want to learn how to play. As you said, it is the season. I posted this in the lights, but I'll drop it here again:
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Last edited by LT7A; 12-24-2021 at 10:25 PM.
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