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Old 04-24-2022, 09:02 PM   #55
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Re: HG's Dream Car Build - Shelby Cobra Kit

Got back to work on the engine today. Spent all afternoon on it and it barely looks like I touched it. Oh well, progress was made none the less. Heads torqued on with new bolts, new oil pump on, new rear main seal installed. If I haven't mentioned it yet, working on the coyote is a PITA. I had to take it off the engine stand and replace the rear seal with it hanging from the hoist because you have no access otherwise. And it has to be done before putting the oil pan on because it's the rear wall of the block gasket surface for the pan.

Spent a lot of the time cleaning gasket surfaces with scuff pads. Went through a handful of those haha. It's not like a cast iron block you can scrape and get rough with. Also trying out the Goodson aluminum paint, you can see where I sprayed the side of the block and it looks like fresh aluminum.
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