Thread: 55.2-59 Battery draining
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Old 06-23-2023, 01:12 AM   #29
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Re: Battery draining

The numbers you give are volts right?

The exciter wire drawing power when the key was off is clearly a problem.
But the fact that you still had a current leak of 4 volts when the alternator was fully disconnected says to me the alternator is either not the problem or not the only problem. Getting only 4 volts indicates a high resistance somewhere.

I'm wondering about your ignition switch, is it new or used? OEM style in dash or attached to the steering column? How many connectors on it? If you unplug it does the rest of the current leak stop?

There is a possibility the new wire harness has issues, but it sounds like you were careful with it and assuming a factory flaw on a name brand kit maybe a stretch
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