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Old 06-30-2023, 11:58 PM   #4357
Killer Bee
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Re: Random Photos ‘You took’

I'm no expert but that's where the sink is, drains and all

carpet, linoleum, underlayment, etc. aren't as consistently flat as formica, corian, etc.

in a house anyway, wouldn't expect flooring to be any flatter in a 20yo motorhome

either way, as long as I don't spill my beer or fall out of bed I don't really care


yesterday the good Lord was smiling on us though!

along about nowhere kansas we lost the left inner inner dual

limped onto the shoulder, and an exit was just 2 miles down

grainfield kansas

now of course I have a spare, tools, etc. but if I can hire a little help - why not?

first place we spot is a gas station with a service garage, walked inside, didn't have the time of day for us

spotted a small truck shop across the street and they were happy to help

so I asked how far to a town that might have a pair of tires

(always best to replace both duals after running one flat)

"oh, just down there by the grain elevators, grey building on the left at the stop sign"

really? ok, so off we go, limped it over to Jack's Automotive Repair and Towing (Napa store too)

nicest folks you could ever meet, three generation business, had a new pair of good tires, and willing get on right away

went to their local market for a few grocery items while we waited - nice little town!

when he was finished, he even asked me to spin around town and stop back for re-torque!

definitely recommend!

and later, about 30 minutes from the farm on i70, near missed an accident right in front of us

thankfully just squeezed by, mostly on the shoulder but kept control and got back up on the road

Mrs. Bee was concerned so she ran back to help with a first aid kit

driver wandered off but passenger's foot went through the windshield

Mrs. Bee wrapped her up and got her out of the car, it was smoking and really hammered

FD showed up, took the injured gal into an ambulance, shut down the freeway, and we split

thank goodness we were passed it!

two events could have been really bad, we just climbed the rocky mountains and the tire blows on ruler flat kansas

then those two new duals went off pavement when I narrowly missed the accident and kept the shiny side up!
I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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