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Old 12-16-2023, 12:39 AM   #3
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Re: Eliminate draft tube options

are you trying to get rid of the tube for aesthetics or are you trying to be nore eco friendly?
if using the original draft tube with a pcv valve in it you could plug the end at the bottom with a frost plug that has a small valve in it so you can drain out any residue that collects down there. it would look kinda stock still except for the vac line and pcv valve inserted further up the tube. that way the oil that comes out with the air will drop out in the tube and collect at the bottom for you to drain out. if there is a way for you to install some course stainless steel wool in the tube, before the pcv valve, that would also catch some oil but you would need a screen so it doesn't start to get sucked into the pcv valve.
mr48 prolly knows more about it than me cuz I usually just keave them stock or upgrade them to a modern engine rather than rebuilding etc.
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