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Old 12-18-2023, 02:18 PM   #10
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Re: More on EVs from a guy trying to sell them

Originally Posted by DeadheadNM View Post
A proposed bill in the state of Washington would make use of gas powered lawn equipment a criminal offense “by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for up to three hundred sixty-four days, or by both for each separate violation.” If successful, would seem like a coercive tactic to be used against private ownership of any ICE automobile.

The proposed bill is here:

Summarized here:
Thanks for the info. Fortunately, there are some mitigating factors - this is a quote:
These bans typically target new gas-powered equipment, permitting people to keep and use tools they already own.

I've had the same mower for over 20 years and already have a backup. Here's to maintaining equipment!

If it makes it into law, I can stockpile as many mowers as I want, for free. People already give them away. There will be tons of them left out by the curb to give away. I will "own" them, before the ban, enough to give to future generations. That proviso makes it nearly unenforceable, but does the huge possible/probable disservice of neighbors looking into other neighbors' business. Which is kinda the intent I guess. Law enforcement is unlikely to stop and check how long you've owned your mower. The law could simply be about what is being sold. If you need a new mower and only electric ones are for sale... That will phase out the gas ones over time.
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