Thread: 55.2-59 55-59 steering wheel
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Old 12-28-2023, 11:04 AM   #10
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Re: 55-59 steering wheel

seems like there are a couple of choices if cutting, welding and epoxy is something you dont want to tackle yourself and just want a straight parts swap over. find one from a vehicle that you like, a car or truck with the same shaft size and spline etc and the diameter yoy like, and swap that in, spend money on a new aftermarket wheel that isn't a stock wheel from anything, or spend bucks and have yours made smaller.
summit has a few examples of the easy way out, you have probably seen already but, here is a link anyway.

if you want a retro, but incorrect for your truck, look then there is the classic site

or you could look at something with a flat bottom, so not round, but that may look a little off.
either way, if getting something modified or purchasing something else, pay attention to the dish and the space it will leave between the dash and the wheel, sometimes that space can get tight or the dish isn't the same so you end up with a wheel that is actually further from you, or closer to you depending, and that changes the driving position, scrubs your knuckles on the dash or the signal lever etc.
I had a few different stock wheels laying around and some had different diameters and dish offsets between a chevy and gmc. the later chevy one, '58 I think, had the smaller diameter and a larger dish but that was not measured before they were donated to someone in need of a stock wheel.
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