Thread: 55.2-59 Brake booster (2 part Q)
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Old 01-11-2024, 10:16 AM   #1
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Brake booster (2 part Q)

Good day!

back in teh day i got a bit ahead of myself and purchased a bunch of parts that i wanted for my 56. one of these parts was the underframe brake booster and MC. i go on my merry way and re-start my build after a long halt due to life and kids and whatnot.

i go to finally install my brake system over this holiday break and find that my trans cross-member is directly in front of where my new booster will go. F*** me! well, kinda..TBH i wasnt really all that excited about it as i had kinda wanted my brake pedal to be a hanging set-up anyway, so i was bummed, but not torn-up about it. im more pissed that i spent $$$ on it and now cant use it. And at this point revising the trans mount is not an option im willing to explore.

so i now have the Speedway 55-59 frame mount kit in my garage sitting on my workbench.

Which brings me to my 1st question. i know i can re-use the MC, but the booster is rear facing (a pusher), can i modify it in anyway to be a front facing (puller) on my firewall? or am i totally not getting how these work and they can work in either direction?

2nd Q..if the above cannot be used in a firewall mounted situation, i need to go out and get a new setup. I'm running front discs, rear drums (81 Camaro). is a dual or single diaphragm better? 7" or 8"?
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