Thread: 47-55.1 Gauge Face Color
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Old 01-23-2024, 12:26 AM   #5
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Re: Gauge Face Color

I read an e-article from a brit that had done this with Bosche gauges. The kits come with their own sending units. I think they are the standard 2", but saw the butchery they had done with the mounting. I spent a couple of weekends figuring out that a different mounting could be done. Disassembled the gauge housings, plotted the new positions on the back of the stock housing, drilled holes, carefully filed the gauges to drop into said holes and made sure that they were all the same height. Had to ensure that they all had proper insulating on the mounting surface. Some of the holes lined up with existing.
It turned out very good, and hope nothing shorts out when electrified( LOL. I have an electronics degree and have triple checked....but will do again before final assembly).
Goal is to fool some of these old timers(I'm in there too) is that stock or not.
I love taking something and turning it into the "Never seen that before. Is that factory?".
I can do a full writeup if requested. Not too difficult, just lots of patience.
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