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Old 02-04-2024, 02:36 PM   #4
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Join Date: Feb 2022
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Posts: 420
Re: Just when you think you’re caught up….

I raced around in a BMW for about 15 years at most of the west coast tracks. One weekend I rolled off the trailer to find that the left front wheel bearing was bad. I had missed it during my check out before I left the house. I called a fellow racer who was a parts manager. He had not left for the track and agreed to bring me a replacement. He asked if I was sure I did not want 2. The cheapskate that I am, I said no, 1s good. By Sunday afternoon the left side had also gone bad. I had to load up early. Those bearings failed within hours of each other. Quiet and smooth to kicking back the brake pads kind of bad. Who would have thought that two sides would fail together. If you are not very familiar with the repair, do one side at a time so you have a reference.
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