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Old 02-28-2024, 11:38 AM   #317
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Re: More on EVs from a guy trying to sell them

Originally Posted by TotallyHucked View Post
He DD's a prius because it's the best of both worlds. No range anxiety, minimal maintenance and he fills up like twice a month driving 6-800mi. The only downside is repair cost on anything battery related. He junked his last one and just bought another due to battery issues. But these are ~2008 models? So they're cheap
My brother gave me his 2007 Prius with a blown head gasket several years ago. I put a wrecking yard engine in it and have put 80,000 more miles on it. At 16 years old, the hybrid battery started to go on it so I recently replaced the battery with a new one from a startup company that makes cell kits for about $1800. It's a dumb looking slow car, but I actually like it a lot just because I can drive all over the place in it without stressing about the cost of gas. It gets 45 MPG.

For some reason, that car brings out the worst in other drivers. I had a guy in a lifted truck push me off the road so that he could race past and merge in front of me on a freeway on-ramp, and then he threw his coffee at me and it splattered all over my hood.
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