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Old 05-02-2024, 12:33 AM   #11
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Re: April 30, 1975 in Vietnam

Originally Posted by Ironhorse View Post
truckster, I totally understand the frustration and loss for the debacle that was called the '' Afghanistan withdrawal " Watching that on TV brought me back to the scenes of the April '75 " Vietnam withdrawal " situation. Your right, we didn't learn a thing after 50 years. Be there to WIN or stay OUT! Nuff said there before I go off.

I was 19 when I landed in Vietnam and turned 20 within my first month in-country. Was with the 84th Engineer Battalion from the central highlands at Pleiku / An Khe to the seacoast near Tuy Hoa building roads, bridges, helipads, LZs, what ever the job called for. April 1969 to April 1970. Back to the Real World in early April of 1970 just in time to turn 21.

For a good long while no one except my family knew I was a Vietnam returnee, as most did, I never spoke of it openly and very rarely even spoke to my family of my time there. I admit I had some rough times adjusting, sudden loud noises, the night time rough dreams and my first 4th of July home was almost surreal. 53 years since I came home now and I totally understand why my Dad never spoke to us kids about his WW2 experience.

micmac, Welcome Home Brother ! Glad you made it, so many others did not. Have you been to see The Wall in DC? Been there twice, it's tough looking at all those names and remembering. Even tougher hearing them play Taps while standing there.

---shortbed72, the experience of Vietnam changed all who suffered and endured being there and also changed the family and loved ones upon their return. I share your grief of their loss.

AussieinNC, you can rest assured that I will NEVER forget. I fly my US flag, US Army flag and the POW/MIA flag regularly from the house.

I guess I should bring this to a close since as I type this I get to thinking about things more than I should. I normally don't bring this to the forum and keep it in but I guess at times it's good to let some of it out. It still helps even after all these years.
Having not served, I have nothing to add but my appreciation and admiration. I was reached by what has been said. I bolded a part that jumped out. Keeping the politics out, as you said, due to site rules, I think there is a base of good hearted folks here that would listen and hear well anything that it would be helpful to talk about.
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