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Old 11-21-2011, 02:19 AM   #267
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Re: Project "My Happy Mess"

Sunday Update -

Didn't do a whole lot today, but I try and accomplish little things
per day even if they're minor. It all ads up eventually.

Decided to paint the heater box and get it out of the way. Scuffed it all,
cleaned off and painted. I went to the local hardware store and picked
up some paint on impulse. Decided a textured paint was needed, so I found
something that I thought would look decent. I thought about spraying black
paint over it slightly to darken it up, but maybe I'll just leave it.

Here are the results.

Before -

After -

This is the product I used.

Then on to hooking up the instrument cluster. I know I mentioned
I was going to connect this the other day, but hey - I'm lazy

First thing I notice after getting comfortable laying on my back
Can you spot what's wrong with this picture? The oil pressure line
is on the wrong side of the defrost vent hose. It isn't going to connect!

I ask myself, why me? And how did THAT happen?!?!
So, to correct it, I have to re-bend the line to the other side of
the vent hose. Wow, that was fun

The outlined light is the original light/wire. I removed the one that
came pre-installed and replaced with the original. This is for illuminating
the shift indicator on the steering column. cool -

Look! @ my work bench Pretty cool huh?

Can anyone guess what these are?
The Pit Boss's engineering from the late 80's early 90's!

project: "my happy mess"
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