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Old 10-22-2014, 12:16 PM   #4
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Re: Repairing Sandblast Damage

Time for the next phase of the test. With the passenger side repaired with the use of the donut dolly, we sandblasted the inside once more to use for another test.

Sandblasted, the panel once again showed a bulge to the inside.... A test of the oil can effect showed it would pop toward the inside once released.

Now we'll use a hammer and hitch pin dolly to attempt to stretch the outside skin to equalize some of the stresses. The hitch pin was pressed against the inside to raise the panel as the hammer was used from the outside..

Once complete, the oil can effect seemed more equalized in that it would stay to which side you pushed it. The panel also shows the sinusoid wave... indicating a stretch within the opening on both sides...

to attempt the repair to this side (again), we'll use heat in the form of the heating tip on the dent puller.

I used the glove to push the panel outward while shrinking with the heat tip from the outside, and the panel just didn't seem to be responding. Then it hit me, the damage was caused by stretching from the inside, so let's shrink from that side.....

This appeared to do the trick, shrinking from the inside. Hindsight, the addition of the weight of the dent puller pushing the direction we want to go likely helped persuade the panel a bit more than had we continued from the outside. Actually, you could see the panel moving slightly around the perimeter of the heating tip as the panel was heated.

This process, with the majority of the heat now concentrated on the inside, was moving the panel outward as it was shrinking. Kept going until the panel seemed to stop responding to the heat shrinks, and then thought we'd planish to bring the crown up the little bit that was needed. Started again with the hammer and dolly, but it did not appear to work as well as it had after using the donut dolly. Keeping in line with the thoughts of the shrinking was more concentrated on the inside, what could we use to keep any stretch concentrated on the outside? Thought I'd give this small shot bag a try as the dolly....

The panel once again seemed to respond well to the tool selection, again bumping the panel the direction we needed.

Not perfect, but looks like we're doing the right thing. A bit more work and it would be to a high build primer fix state.

The care package also showed up, so next we will try the shrinking disc for its results on the drivers side test area...

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