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Old 06-13-2019, 03:59 PM   #129
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Re: 1968 Chevy Bel Air Wagon Project

It's been some time, and I've been waiting for the driver for the sequential
turn lights. A good friend of mine has made the system, and programmed the
micro controller. I just got it home, and of course there's a lot of work to do
with packaging, mounting of the driver, and getting all the cables and leads to
go to their respective bulbs.

So here's the whole gorgeousness sprawled out on the kitchen table:

Workflow from left to right:

-Left and right front turn signal wires (the original relay will be shorted).
-Brake light wire from pedal switch
-Hazard (also relay removed/shorted)

These signals will be processed by the programmable Arduino micro controller
to send on signals to certain outputs. These signals go to the amplifier card,
so that they get powerful enough to drive the relays on the relay card.
There are eight relays on the relay card. Six for each one of the tail
turn/brake light filaments, and one each for the front turn lights.
The "Low park driver" will supply a lower voltage to the rear park light on the
side to which the turn signals are blinking. This will require another two relays.

I've also planned to put in a panic switch, that gets me brake lights if this
whole system fails for some reason, just as a safety precaution. Normal tail
lights will work even if the system is shut down

The Arduino controller will be powered off a 12V to USB thingy, a bit like a
phone car charger. The relay card and amplifier card will be powered off 12V
when ignition is on. Chevrolets have working brake lights at all times, but in
this case the break lights will work only when the ignition is switched on, like
in most any European car.

The remote is just silly. There's a radio receiver on the relay card, so you can
remotely turn on any one of all tail lights with the remote, if the relay card is
getting its 12V power supply. I have no idea when to use this, but it came
with the system at no cost. Actually the whole shebang was gifted to me.
It's really great to have good friends
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